Covid-19 (Corona Virus) Outbreak Information

For more information regarding the Corona Virus and other diseases, please call Healthlink BC at 8-1-1 or visit the HealthLink BC website. Please also visit the Government of Canada website and the BC Centre for Disease Control for information relating to the outbreak of the Corona Virus and details regarding how stop the spread of the virus. *If you are exhibiting any symptoms of this virus, or any other virus, and you  may be contagious, the Village Council and Staff kindly ask you to refrain from visiting our office and follow the guidelines set by the BC Centre for Disease Control. As events and conditions…


Committee of the Whole Meeting Monday December 14, 2020

A Committee of the Whole meeting is scheduled for Monday December 14, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.  To view the agenda click here. The meeting will be held electronically via the Zoom platform.  The public is encouraged to attend. For Zoom meeting details click here. Monday, December 14, 2020 - 5:00pm to 6:00pm


Holiday Office Hours

The Village of Lumby Municipal Office will be closed from Wednesday December 23rd at 4:00 p.m. re-opening Monday January 4th at 9:00 a.m.  Mayor & Council along with all municipal employees want to wish everyone all the best over the holidays. Thursday, December 24, 2020 - 8:00am to Sunday, January 3, 2021 - 4:30pm


Regional Housing Needs Assessment Completed

The Village of Lumby is pleased to present its Housing Needs Assessment Report, which was completed through a grant administered by the Regional District of North Okanagan. All local governments are required to produce a Housing Needs Assessment Report under Provincial legislation.   Click here for the full report   Thursday, November 12, 2020 - 2:45pm


Regular Council Meeting Monday December 14, 2020

A Regular Council Meeting is scheduled for Monday December 14, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. To view the agenda click here. The meeting will be held via Zoom.  The public is encouraged to attend. For Zoom meeting details click here. Monday, December 14, 2020 - 6:00pm to 8:30pm


Food Drive – Huge Success!

The 6th Annual Emergency Services Food Drive was Wednesday October 7th 2020 at 5:00 p.m.  Thank you for your support of this great event.  $3933.25 was raised and 6,340 pounds of food (or just over 3 tons). Thank you to everyone involved and thank you to our amazing community! Wednesday, October 7, 2020 - 5:00pm to 9:00pm


Council Adopts Priories for 2021

After two days of Strategic Planning sessions facilitated by a consultant, Village of Lumby Council considered and adopted the 2021 Strategic Priorities. To view the Strategic Priorities Chart (SPC) click here.  To view the report from the consultant click here. To view the report from the CAO on the status of the current 2020 Strategic Priorities click here. To view Council's previous years priorities click here. Tuesday, October 6, 2020 - 11:30am


Solid Waste Collection Services RFP

The Village of Lumby has issued a Request for Proposal (FRP) for Solid Waste Collection Services.  The RFP can be viewed by clicking here. To view Addendum No.1 click here. UPDATE: Thank you to everyone who submitted proposals.  The RFP has closed.  Village wishes to confirm that it has selected a preferred proponent and is now working to finalize a service agreement with the preferred proponent, to be effective January 1, 2021.  The Village wishes to express its gratitude to all parties that provided proposals in response to the RFP.  Please note that Village representatives are not able to comment on the…


RDNO Master Planning Engagement Opportunities

The RDNO would like to extend a personal invitation for your participation in the development of park, recreation, trails and/or natural spaces master plans for areas within the North Okanagan, and an arts and culture master plan for the White Valley area. The engagement strategy for each of the plans offers four different ways to participate, including: in-person (safe/social distanced) engagement sessions, an on-line survey, an interactive map, and on-location input boards in a number of key, popular parks and trails. In order to accommodate outdoor engagement opportunities that meet requirements for safe COVID-19 procedures, the in-person engagement sessions…


Affordable Housing Project Coming to Lumby

The Village of Lumby has partnered with Habitat for Humanity on an affordable housing project. About the Habitat for Humanity Project In keeping with our Affordable Housing Strategy, adopted by Council in November 2017, the Village re-zoned Village owned property on Shields avenue adjacent to the OAP hall to allow for affordable housing.  Since then, the Village has been in discussion with a developer, Habitat for Humanity Okanagan, on the site plan and the servicing requirements.  Once an agreement was made, the non-profit housing organization announced the project.  The first three units may be ready as early as next year and the…