The following hierarchy of plans guide land use planning in the Village- progressing from broad land use policy plans to specific parcel-based land use and development regulations:

  • The Regional Growth Strategy provides local governments within the Regional District with an integrated strategic policy framework for addressing growth management, economic development, transportation, and other infrastructure and environmental concerns.
  • The Village’s Official Community Plan (OCP) provides a framework of policies and land use designations that guide decisions on land use management and development.  The OCP takes guidance, in part, from the Regional Growth Strategy and from priorities that have been articulated by the Village Council and the public.  All bylaws enacted or works undertaken by a Council after the adoption of an OCP must be consistent with the OCP.

The current OCP was adopted by Council in March 2015 and was amended in 2019 to update policies and land use designations associated with parks and trails.

  • The Village’s Zoning Bylaw divides the Village into zones and regulates within the zones: the use of land and buildings; the density of the use of land and buildings; the siting, size and dimensions of buildings and structures; and the shape, dimensions, and area of all parcels of land that may be created by subdivision.  The Zoning Bylaw also includes regulations associated with off-street parking and loading, screening and landscaping, signage, and floodplain and riparian areas.

The current Zoning Bylaw was adopted by Council in January 2013 and has since been amended to include regulations on cannabis production and street vendors.  In 2018, the Zoning Bylaw was amended to address housing issues identified in the Housing Needs and Gaps Report and Affordable Housing Strategy completed by the Village in 2017.

The Zoning Bylaw was amended in 2024 to comply with the Provincial Housing Statutes (Residential Development) Amendment Act (Bill 44).  In this regard, the Zoning Bylaw has been updated to permit one single family dwelling with a secondary suite on all properties that were previously zoned to permit only a single family dwelling.  The zoning of properties that are connected to the Village’s community water and sewer systems and were previously zoned to permit only two dwellings has also changed to allow up to four dwellings.  The amendments also brought changes to parking, setback and height regulations for dwellings.

Property Owners and Residents are advised that:

  • Building Permits are required for all dwelling units which includes adding a suite within an existing dwelling.
  • Development Cost Charges will apply to additional dwelling units in accordance with the applicable Development Cost Charge Bylaws.
  • Inquiries for any additional dwellings and associated connections to municipal services should be discussed with the Public Works Department.
  • The Village’s Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw identifies works and services (roads, water, sewer, storm drainage and utilities) required to be installed or upgraded as a condition of subdivision and building permit approval.

The current Subdivision and Development Servicing Bylaw was adopted by Council in February 2018.

  • The Village’s Building Bylaw establishes regulations related to building inspection services, the design, construction and occupancy of new buildings and the alteration and occupancy of existing buildings.

The current Building Bylaw was adopted by Council in October 2019.

Section 4 of the Bylaw states that every application must be processed by the Village of Lumby, and a report must be presented to Council for its consideration except those applications that have been delegated to the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) for approval.  The application must contain all the required information prior to it being processed.  The report must contain a copy of the application; a background report and recommendations; and additional relevant information for consideration.

Schedule A of the Bylaw requires that the following information be submitted with OCP and zoning amendment applications, Development Permit and Development Variance Permit applications and subdivision applications.

  • a dimensioned site plan showing the subject and proposed properties and the existing and proposed roads and buildings
  • drawings of the proposed development, including building elevations, parking layout and access, proposed means of servicing, existing vegetation and landscaped area.

The current Planning Procedures and Fee Bylaw was adopted by Council in January 2007 and was amended in 2017 and 2021.

The Village of Lumby contracts the Regional District of North Okanagan to provide Planning services and Building Inspection services.

The following services are provided through the Planning Services contract:

  • Answering development inquiries
  • Processing of applications, including OCP and zoning amendment applications, Development Permit and Development Variance Permit applications and subdivision applications
  • Mapping Services

The following services are provided through the Building Inspection contract:

  • Answering building construction inquires
  • Processing Building Permit applications
  • Conducting Building Inspections

Fire Inspection Service is contracted through a private contractor. For more information contact the Village.

If you own property in the General Commercial (C1) zone of the Village of Lumby, the Village has adopted Revitalization Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 812, 2018  to encourage construction of new buildings, and exterior alterations and improvements of existing buildings within the General Commercial C1 zone of the Village of Lumby. 

The Revitalization Tax Exemption Program is intended to accomplish Council’s objectives by providing property tax relief to property owners who undertake eligible construction within the General Commercial C1 zone. 

Properties located in the General Commercial C1 zone will be eligible for a tax exemption based on the following calculations:

  • Years 1 – 5: 100 % of the increased assessed value
  • Years 6 –10: 50 % of the increased assessed value

The property owner must enter into an agreement with the Village that determines the conditions of eligibility for a specific property. The kinds of property that will be eligible are as follows:

Construction of New Buildings

Properties that are subject of a building permit for a new building having a permit value of $100,000 or greater.

Additions to Existing Buildings

Properties that are subject of a building permit for an addition to an existing building having a permit value of $10,000 or greater.

Exterior and Interior Renovations to Existing Buildings

Properties that are subject of a building permit and or a development permit where the project does not increase floor space and have a permit value of $10,000 or greater.

For further information please click here to view the Bylaw.


To view maps associated with the Village’s Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaw, please visit the Maps and Digital Data page here: which includes a link to an Interactive Map.


Please contact the Planning and Building Inspections Department if you have any questions regarding a proposed development or the above noted Plans, Bylaws, Applications or Maps.

Regional District of North Okanagan – Planning and Building Inspections Department

p. 250-550-3700



To book a building inspection, please leave a voicemail on the Building Inspection Line at (250) 550-3730 with the following information:

  • Permit Number
  • Civic Address
  • Required Inspection
  • Contact Name
  • Contact Telephone No.
  • Date for Inspection

Building inspection is regulated through the Village of Lumby Building Bylaw No. 834, 2019,

For a fee estimate please contact the Village.