Sanitary Sewer System
The Village of Lumby operates the collection and treatment of the wastewater effluent for Lumby according to an Annual Permit administered by the Province o fB.C. Ministry of Environment. With this Permit, the Village is authorized to discharge effluent via infiltration lagoons to ground and to Bessette Creek from the Village of Lumby treatment plant subject to the conditions listed in the Permit. As a requirement in the Permit To Operate, the Village maintains the existing groundwater monitoring wells located around the sewage facility where samples are collected and tested according to Permit conditions.
The Village of Lumby’s sanitary sewer system includes a sewage collection system, designed predominantly through gravity feed, two lift stations, an aerated lagoon, one facultative lagoon, one storage lagoon, four controlled infiltration basins with under drains and a UV disinfection facility.
Currently the Village of Lumby has received funding from the Provincial Government under the Community Water and Wastewater Fund for the Long-Term Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades Project.
The Village of Lumby has transitioned to the Long-term Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades Project. For more information click here.