Covid-19 (Corona Virus) Outbreak Information

For more information regarding the Corona Virus and other diseases, please call Healthlink BC at 8-1-1 or visit the HealthLink BC website.

Please also visit the Government of Canada website and the BC Centre for Disease Control for information relating to the outbreak of the Corona Virus and details regarding how stop the spread of the virus.

*If you are exhibiting any symptoms of this virus, or any other virus, and you  may be contagious, the Village Council and Staff kindly ask you to refrain from visiting our office and follow the guidelines set by the BC Centre for Disease Control.

As events and conditions change frequently during the pandemic, please ensure you are kept up to date on the most recent Public Health Orders and Province wide restrictions: click here.

Dial 8-1-1 or visit for further information.

Currently the best sources of information can be found at:

BC Centre for Disease Control (recently revised):

BC Centre for Disease Control Information Sheet click here.

Ministry of Health:

Information regarding Canadians abroad including phone number – 

Self-assessment tool –

Information to Help us Stay Healthy click here.

Information for Unsheltered People click here.

North Okanagan Regional Information:

With the launch of the new NOKTogether partnership and website, North Okanagan businesses and residents have access to a single hub of relevant and timely information as well as important tools to help endure the COVID-19 crisis. To view the Media Release click here.

Lumby facilities and programming updates click here.

Media Releases from the Mayor click here.

Friday, March 13, 2020 – 2:15pm