Police Department:
The Village of Lumby and surrounding area is policed by a five member RCMP Detachment.
Emergency Calls: 911
Phone: 250-547-2151Lumby Detachment is located at 2208 Shuswap Avenue at the corner of Shuswap Avenue and Glencaird Street.
Fire Department:
Consisting of 24-30 volunteer members the Lumby & District Volunteer Fire Department serves the community under the direction of the Regional District of North Okanagan.
Emergency Calls: 911
Phone: 250-550-1240
Ambulance Service:
The BC Ambulance Service services the Village, with a service directly out of Lumby.
Emergency Calls: 911
Phone: 250-542-4303
Emergency Management BC protects and improves public safety in B.C. by providing advisories of active emergencies, disaster readiness and recovery, fire safety and death investigation.
Learn more about Emergency Management BC click here.
Emergency Preparedness
Preparing an Emergency Kit for Your Car
Cross items off the list as you put them in your car. Print or download the Emergency Car List PDF
To learn more about road safety and winter driving, visit Transport Canada.
Are you and your family prepared for an emergency? Click here to connect to British Columbia’s one-stop shop for disaster readiness information.
Emergencies can happen anytime and we all should be prepared. The Provincial Government, Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General has developed a Guide for Action to Take in preparing for an emergency. Click the following links to find out more information:
- Prepare Your Home
- Know your Hazards
- Build an Emergency Kit
- Neighbourhood Preparedness
- Disaster Response & Recovery
- Travel Safe
- Information for People with Additional Preparedness Needs
To view the Village of Lumby Evacuation Route Plan click here.
Lumby’s Community Wildfire Protection Plan
Many wildfire in B.C. occur far from cities and towns, but sometimes they threaten homes, businesses and infrastructure. Help keep your family safe by preparing in advance for a potential evacuation alert or order. Develop a household plan, put together your emergency kit and connect with your neighbours.
The objective behind the report is based on the “Filmon” report “Firestorm 2004 Provincial Review”. The report recommended that the province take a lead role to improve fire prevention in the interface.
Click here for more information.
Flooding is a common, naturally occurring event in B.C. Although it can happen at any time of year, the most severe floods typically occur in the spring from the influences of heavy rain and snowmelt run-off. The resulting surge of water is usually between April and July and is known as “freshet”. Fore more information on floods including preparedness, protecting your home and property, and to recognize the danger signs, click here.
Heavy snowmelt may contribute to landslides and dangerous debris in creeks and waterways. Be safe and don’t go down to watch the rushing water. If you notice trees beginning to lean or bend near your home, or cracks developing in the hillside, consult an engineer or contact local authorities.
To view the Village of Lumby Flood Mitigation Plan click here. For information related to flood mapping, flood plan public meetings, and other flood planning documents click here.
Public Safety Canada, what to do in the event of:
Fortis Gas – Emergency Preparedness
BC Hydro – Safety in Emergency Situations
Click here or more information on Power Outages. PrepareBC is your one source, one stop resource for emergency preparedness information click here.