Climate Action Leadership

The Village of Lumby is committed to climate action leadership.  We’re proud to have attained recognition for our efforts multiple times from provincial and municipal programs. 

From 2017 to 2022, The Village of Lumby has been awarded Level 4 recognition for carbon neutral in its corporate operations.  This is in fulfillment of our commitment to BC’ s Climate Action Charter.  A joint Provincial – UBCM Green Communities Committee (GCC) has previously recognized the Village of Lumby for achieving Level 1, 2 and 3.  The four levels in this program are:

  • Level 1 – Demonstrating Progress on Charter Commitments
  • Level 2 – Measuring Corporate GHG Emissions
  • Level 3 – Accelerating Progress on Charter Commitments
  • Level 4 – Achievement of Corporate Carbon Neutrality

In 2022, the Village of Lumby achieved all 5 milestones of the Partners for Climate Protection program (PCP).  The PCP is a network of Canadian municipal governments that have committed to reducing GHG emissions and protecting our climate. From creating an inventory to setting and reaching emissions reduction target, each of these milestone moves us closer to achieving our climate goals.

We’re working to reduce local greenhouse gas emissions with PCP support:  PCP is a partnership between the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) and ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability. PCP receives financial support from the Government of Canada and ICLEI Canada.

To read the  Village of Lumby’s plan to reduce green house gas emissions click here.

The Village is also a 2024 Community Energy Association Member which includes access to expert knowledge and experience to gain insights around technologies, priorities and next steps, resources and tools, for example. In addition to developing and re-booting community energy plans, the CEA drafts policy for local governments, publishes research, educates local government staff and elected officials, celebrates local government achievements, assesses renewable energy opportunities, and deploys related infrastructure.   A charitable non-profit, the non-partisan Community Energy Association, was registered in 2004 and maintains its head office in Vancouver while staff are distributed across the province. The board is constituted from member organizations, including governments, transit authorities, and utilities.  Any net revenue is reinvested into supporting communities.

While we have reached these milestones quietly through small changes in our operations, some of the more visible contributions that the Village makes to Climate Action is the charging station available to the public when visiting the Village office and the 60 solar panels on our office roof which generates 27.5 MWh per year and have saved taxpayers $2400/year. Thay also have reduced emissions by 35,471 kg (or 1057 equivalent trees saved).

To read more, visit our project page here.