The Village of Lumby offers Building and Planning Services through contract. 

Planning and Zoning is provided by the Regional District of North Okanagan250-550-3700

Please review the applicable Bylaws related to your proposed development or re-development.

Building Inspection is provided by the Regional District of North Okanagan250-550-3700.   To view Building Bylaw No. 834, 2019 click here.

Fire Inspection Service is contracted through a private contractor.

If you are considering development or re-development of a property, it is critical to contact the Village of Lumby Municipal Office (250-547-2171) to check the Official Community Plan and Zoning Bylaws. Depending on the nature of your proposal there may be different approval processes that apply. Planning and Development Application form and fees click here.  For further information please contact us.

Click here to download a standard Building Permit Application

If you own property in the General Commercial (C1) zone of the Village of Lumby, the Village has adopted Revitalization Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 812, 2018 to accomplish the following:

Bylaw No. 812, 2018 is a Revitalization Tax Exemption Bylaw designed to encourage construction of new buildings, and exterior alterations and improvements of existing buildings within the General Commercial C1 zone of the Village of Lumby.  The Revitalization Tax Exemption Program is intended to accomplish Council’s objectives by providing property tax relief to property owners who undertake eligible construction within the General Commercial C1 zone. 

Properties located in the General Commercial C1 zone will be eligible for a tax exemption based on the following calculations:

  • Years 1 – 5: 100 % of the increased assessed value
  • Years 6-10: 50% of the increased assessed value

The property owner must enter into an agreement with the Village that determines the conditions for eligibility for a specific property. The kinds of property that will be eligible are as follows:

Construction of New Buildings

Properties that are subject of a building permit for a new building having a permit value of $100,000 or greater.

Additions to Existing Buildings

Properties that are subject of a building permit for an addition to an existing building having a permit value of $20,000 or greater.

Exterior and Interior Renovations to Existing Buildings

Properties that are subject of a building permit and or a development permit where the project does not increase floor space and have a permit value of $20,000 or greater.

For further information please click here to view the Bylaw.

Specific Permits:

Demolition Permit

Deck & Accessory Permit

Sign Permit

Building Inspection is managed through a contract to the Regional District of North Okanagan.

Please email​  or contact the Village of Lumby Municipal Office for building inspection related inquiries.

Building inspection is regulated through the Village of Lumby Building Bylaw No. 834, 2019,

For a fee estimate please contact the Village

Click here for a complete Building Permit Application.