Lumby’s Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP)

At the Monday February 20, 2017 Regular Council Meeting, Council adopted the Village of Lumby Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP).  To view the CWPP click here.

The Village of Lumby completed its first CWPP in 2006.  The objective behind the plan is based on the “Filmon” report “Firestorm 2004 Provincial Review”. The report recommended that the province take a lead role to improve fire prevention in the interface.

The Community Wildfire Protection Plan program was launched in 2004. The purpose of this program is to assist communities in the development of plans that will assist them in improving fire prevention and protection in the interface areas. The program is funded by the Ministry of Forests and is administered by the Union of BC Municipalities. The objective is to improve community safety and reduce the risk of property damage.

The Village upon approval of funding under the program commissioned the study in January of 2007. The Council reviewed the final draft of a Community Wildfire Protection Plan in late April, 2008.  As fuel and community characteristics are not static over time, during the course of the ensuing decades the factors related to wildfire have changed.  As such the original CWPP is a good first step in identifying and working towards managing wildfire risk, had become outdates and was no longer going to enable effective wildfire mitigation planning into the future.  

In 2015 the Village of Lumby successfully applied to the Strategic Wildfire Prevention Initiative program through the UBCM to update its CWPP.

The Village of Lumby’s Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 761, 2014 recognizes the danger associated with a wildfire and has made provisions within the Plan to protect properties and residents. 

Specifically under “Goals and Policies” of the Official Community Plan section 4.1.2 Policies: Natural Hazards: 

(p) The location and boundaries of known Hazardous Condition Areas shown on Map Schedule “F” cover the majority of lands within the Village of Lumby. These include: a. floodplain, b. areas of excessive slope (>25%), and c. fire hazard lands (within 150m of the urban/wildland interface).

(q) The Village will continue to liaise with the appropriate provincial and federal government environmental agencies when reviewing development applications for areas identified above. Buffer requirements or other mitigative measures will be aligned with Best Management Practices identified by these agencies.

(r) The Village will consider undertaking the development of a Floodplain Management Plan within the term of this plan and will work with the provincial Ministry of Environment on the review and updating of the floodplain mapping within the Village’s boundaries.

(s) The Village will protect against the loss of life and to minimize property damage associated with flooding events by encouraging agricultural, park, and open-space recreation uses of flood susceptible lands, as the threat to life and property is lower with these uses than with residential, commercial, and industrial uses. Where floodable lands are required for development, the construction and siting of buildings including manufactured homes to be used for habitation, business or the storage of goods damageable by floodwaters shall be flood proofed to those standards specified in the Village of Lumby Zoning Bylaw.

(t) Due to the hazards associated with steep slopes, building, grading and tree harvesting on slopes exceeding 25% is discouraged. The Village requires a professional geotechnical assessment for all construction on slopes exceeding 25%. The assessment must confirm that the steep slopes can accommodate the proposed development and that there will be no detrimental impact on adjacent lands or the proposed development. Where it is demonstrated that development may occur on steep slopes, the applicant shall provide the Village with a save harmless covenant, and the applicant must proceed in strict compliance with the recommendations of the geotechnical report.

(u) Hillside subdivision design shall be responsive to the severe climatic conditions, the difficulty of road maintenance, movement of pedestrians, and other factors.

(v) Where problem soils are encountered during development, a geotechnical investigation may be required to be prepared at the applicant’s expense prior to issuance of a Building Permit to determine the extent of these soils and, if necessary, make recommendations for construction or development techniques which will eliminate or accommodate the potential hazard.

(w) The Village will, in co-operation with the appropriate agencies, continue to participate in fire prevention procedures as identified through the Urban/Wildland Interface program.

(x) As a condition of approval of all new development or the issuance of Building Permits for existing lots within 150m of the urban/wildland interface, as shown on Map Schedule “F”, Schedule “A” – Bylaw No. 761, 2014 Village of Lumby Official Community Plan 20 the Village may require as a condition of development approval, subdivision, or the issuance of a Building Permit, the registration of restrictive covenants and/or the issuance of a Development Permit to ensure that potential purchasers are made aware of urban/wildland interface issues and the ongoing role that property owners must assume to protect their investment. ​

Section 5.7 Hazardous Condition Areas Development Permits

Map Schedule “F” is intended to generally illustrate the areas within the Village which, because of potential natural hazards, may require site specific studies prior to any development. The boundaries of the floodplain, steep, and potential unstable slopes, and the wildland interface area are delineated in order to alert property owners and Village officials, that a potential hazard may exist, and that appropriate information may be required prior to a decision being made on a particular development proposal.

5.7.1 Purpose: • Protection of development from hazardous conditions

5.7.2 Justification: The Village contains significant lands at risk to natural hazards. Careful planning and development of lands along the wildland interface area, within a floodplain, or on a hillside, aims to protect development within the Village from hazardous conditions. 

For further information please refer to the Official Community Plan Bylaw No. 761, 2014.

We wish to direct interested parties to review the Firesmart Manual through the link below. This manual was a joint effort between the Province of Alberta and British Columbia

FireSmart, Protecting your Community from Wildfire

Chapter 2 provides a structural and practical approach for assessing the hazard posed by wildfires to interface homes.


Many wildfire in B.C. occur far from cities and towns, but sometimes they threaten homes, businesses and infrastructure. Help keep your family safe by preparing in advance for a potential evacuation alert or order. Develop a household plan, put together your emergency kit and connect with your neighbours.

Learn more about Emergency Management BC click here.

Fire Department

Consisting of 24-30 volunteer members the Lumby & District Volunteer Fire Department serves the community under the direction of the Regional District of North Okanagan.

Emergency Calls: 911

Phone: 250-547-9516