The Village of Lumby, as part of its general operations, maintains a storm sewer collection system. The system consists of direct residential connections from the new subdivisions to the collection system installed and in the older part of the Village, the storm system consists of direct residential and commercial connections and overland flows through a ditching and culvert network.
The system does contain treatment system chambers on Glencaird Street and Maple Street that remove oils, gravels and debris before release into the water body. Many catch basins within the system also assist in the settlement of the first flush of water off the streets.
The Village will continue to upgrade the storm sewer system to meet the guidelines of best practices for stormwater management. As part of planning, a Storm Sewer Study was completed in 2008 that identifies the complete system and evaluates system components and catchment areas. The storm sewer system is also being evaluated in the previous Liquid Waste Management Plan and now through Long-term Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades Project that will assist in setting financial and operational direction for the future of the storm sewer system with Lumby.
During the course of the year as part of the normal operations of the storm-water collection system, the Public Works Department vacuums the catch basins and in some instances flushes the mains on an annual basis if required due to silt build-up.
The cost of the operation is part of the general public works operational budget.