Affordable Seniors Rental Housing Units in Lumby

The Lumby & District Senior Citizens Housing Society and the Village of Lumby are excited to be partnering with the Province of BC to build 20 affordable seniors rental housing units. These 20 units will assist Lumby in addressing the affordable housing need for seniors in the community. To view the media release click here.


OCP Trail Amendments

The Village of Lumby has initiated a process to adopt a Trail Network map into the Official Community Plan.Lumby citizens of all ages with an interest in walking, jogging, cycling and other non-motorized means of getting around town are encouraged to review the proposed Trail Network Plan and to provide comments to the Village of Lumby. To view OCP Amendment Bylaw No. 833, 2019 click here.The Village of Lumby is looking for feedbackWhere would you like to see new trails, connections or improvements?


Affordable Housing Projects

Affordable Housing Projects Coming to Lumby The Village of Lumby is working with two specific groups to meet the needs of affordable housing in Lumby. 1. Lumby & District Senior Citizen Housing Society (LDSCHS) About the LDSCHS Project In keeping with our Affordable Housing Strategy, adopted by Council in November 2017, the Village re-zoned Village owned property on Shields avenue adjacent to the OAP hall to allow for affordable housing.  Since then, the Village has been in discussion with LDSCHS as well as BC Housing on making application to the Province for funding to expand the current Saddle Mountain Place.  Application…


Council Adopts Priorities for 2021

After two days of Strategic Planning sessions facilitated by a consultant, Village of Lumby Council considered and adopted the 2021 Strategic Priorities. To view the Strategic Priorities Chart (SPC) click here.  To view the report from the consultant click here. To view the report from the CAO dated October 1, 2020 on the status of the current 2020 Strategic Priorities click here. To view the report from the CAO dated February 16, 2021 on Council's Strategic Priorities Update click here. To view Council's previous years priorities click here.


2021 Financial Plan Adopted

At the Monday January 18th 2021 Regular Council Meeting, Council gave first reading to Financial Plan Bylaw No 853, 2021.  At the Tuesday February 16th 2021 Regular Council Meeting, Council gave 2nd and 3rd reading to Financial Plan Bylaw No. 853, 2021. At the Monday March 1st 2021 Regular Council Meeting, Council adopted Financial Plan Bylaw No. 853, 2021. To view the power point presentation from the Manager of Finance on the 2021 budget click here.  Public Consultation took place from January 19th to February 9th. Options to provide input included: Fill in the Financial Plan Comment Form and drop off at 1775 Glencaird Street or email to doria@lumby.caHave a phone conversation…


New Residential Waste Collection Program Starts April 15

Council has approved a new residential waste collection program as a way to reduce the amount of waste being sent to the landfill.  To view the brochure click here. The new program includes the following: weekly containerized food waste collection (residents will be provided a specific 57 litre container for food waste)bi-weekly containerized garbage collection (residents will be provided a specific 240 litre container for garbage)bi-weekly recycling collection will continue through the current contractor  The decision to divert food waste is based on the RDNO's Solid Waste Management Plan recommendations, where approximately 30% of the waste stream is made up of…


Covid-19 (Corona Virus) Outbreak Information

For more information regarding the Corona Virus and other diseases, please call Healthlink BC at 8-1-1 or visit the HealthLink BC website. Please also visit the Government of Canada website and the BC Centre for Disease Control for information relating to the outbreak of the Corona Virus and details regarding how stop the spread of the virus. *If you are exhibiting any symptoms of this virus, or any other virus, and you  may be contagious, the Village Council and Staff kindly ask you to refrain from visiting our office and follow the guidelines set by the BC Centre for Disease Control. As events and conditions…


Committee of the Whole Meeting Monday December 14, 2020

A Committee of the Whole meeting is scheduled for Monday December 14, 2020 at 5:00 p.m.  To view the agenda click here. The meeting will be held electronically via the Zoom platform.  The public is encouraged to attend. For Zoom meeting details click here. Monday, December 14, 2020 - 5:00pm to 6:00pm


Holiday Office Hours

The Village of Lumby Municipal Office will be closed from Wednesday December 23rd at 4:00 p.m. re-opening Monday January 4th at 9:00 a.m.  Mayor & Council along with all municipal employees want to wish everyone all the best over the holidays. Thursday, December 24, 2020 - 8:00am to Sunday, January 3, 2021 - 4:30pm


Regional Housing Needs Assessment Completed

The Village of Lumby is pleased to present its Housing Needs Assessment Report, which was completed through a grant administered by the Regional District of North Okanagan. All local governments are required to produce a Housing Needs Assessment Report under Provincial legislation.   Click here for the full report   Thursday, November 12, 2020 - 2:45pm