The Village of Lumby has received a grant from the province’s Active Transportation Grant Program to explore the current active transportation network in Lumby and to develop an Active Transportation Network Plan (ATNP). The ATNP will guide the future development and implementation of walking, rolling and cycling facilities for the entire community.
The Village is seeking input from the community to build a Plan that reflects how we move around in our community today and how we want to move in the future.
Community Engagement
- An online survey is open from February 14 to March 6, 2022 to collect input from the community on active transportation experiences, issues, values and opportunities in Lumby. To access the survey, visit
Hard copies of the survey are also available for pick up and drop off at the Village Office (1775 Glencaird St).
Interactive Map
- Take a virtual tour around Lumby’s existing sidewalks, trails and pathways and pin your comments on the map to let us know what walking and cycling facilities you like and where you think there is opportunity for improvement. To participate, visit
For more information on the project and to access the interactive map, visit
Project Timeline
Over the course of 2022, the Village will engage with the community over two phases and use the feedback collected to help develop the ATNP, which is expected to be finalized in early 2023.
Engagement Phase One (February 14, 2022 – March 6, 2022)
- Vision, Goals, Challenges & Opportunities: We will provide the community with an overview of the process and consult on issues and opportunities related to active transportation facilities (i.e., sidewalks or cycle lanes) in Lumby. Input received during this phase will be used to develop the draft vision and goals for the ATNP.
Engagement Phase Two (Stay tuned!)
- Reporting Back – Did We Get It Right? We will report back on what we heard from engagement in Phase One and share the Draft ATNP. The community will be asked to provide feedback on the Draft ATNP to inform the Final Plan.
What is active transportation?
Active transportation is any human-powered mode of transportation such as walking, cycling, skateboarding or using a wheelchair. There are also several new and emerging transportation modes that can fit in this category and may use the same trails and pathways, such as e-scooters, electric skateboards, and other small, one-person electric vehicles.
Why is active transportation important?
Active transportation has many benefits to our community:
- Health: increases physical activity and promotes healthier communities
- Safety: creates dedicated, safe facilities and spaces for users to participate in active transportation
- Economic: increases transportation options and enhances connections to local services and amenities
- Societal: encourages social interaction and sense of community
- Environmental: reduces motor vehicle trips and helps towards climate change mitigation
What area will this project serve?
The study area will focus on the local pedestrian and cycling networks within Lumby.