Affordable Housing Projects Coming to Lumby
The Village of Lumby is working with two specific groups to meet the needs of affordable housing in Lumby.
1. Lumby & District Senior Citizen Housing Society (LDSCHS)
About the LDSCHS Project
In keeping with our Affordable Housing Strategy, adopted by Council in November 2017, the Village re-zoned Village owned property on Shields avenue adjacent to the OAP hall to allow for affordable housing. Since then, the Village has been in discussion with LDSCHS as well as BC Housing on making application to the Province for funding to expand the current Saddle Mountain Place. Application has been made to BC Housing.
The community garden, which is used and valued by many residents, may not need to be relocated. Having said this, Village representatives have discussed the development and rezoning with the WCRC (Whitevalley Community Resource Centre manages the plots for the garden) and they have provided input on a couple of options including relocating the community garden across the street beside the tennis courts or into a small parcel of agricultural land that the Village owns at 1910 Faulkner Avenue. We’ll continue to explore those options with the stakeholders. Ideas, comments and suggestions can be forwarded at any time to the Village office.
2. The Village of Lumby has partnered with Habitat for Humanity on an affordable housing project.
About the Habitat for Humanity Project
In keeping with our Affordable Housing Strategy, adopted by Council in November 2017, the Village has been in discussion with a developer, Habitat for Humanity Okanagan, on possible sites that would be suitable for Habitat and the Village based on site plan and the servicing requirements.
Once a suitable location has been identified, Habitat for Humanity has said that their next steps would be community engagement, local fundraising, project financing and the process of family qualifications. We hope the community will continue to support the development of affordable and attainable home ownership in Lumby. Mayor Kevin Acton says, “I am pleased that affordable home ownership is one step closer for Lumby residents.”