Council has approved a new residential waste collection program as a way to reduce the amount of waste being sent to the landfill.
To view the brochure click here.
The new program includes the following:
- weekly containerized food waste collection (residents will be provided a specific 57 litre container for food waste)
- bi-weekly containerized garbage collection (residents will be provided a specific 240 litre container for garbage)
- bi-weekly recycling collection will continue through the current contractor
The decision to divert food waste is based on the RDNO’s Solid Waste Management Plan recommendations, where approximately 30% of the waste stream is made up of organic material. For tips on reducing food waste click here. Diverted food waste will be collected by the waste contractor.
The next steps in implementation of the new program will include the development and distribution of educational material outlining the program, what is permitted in each container, collection frequency, as well as other tips on waste reduction.
The waste collection contractor, SCV Waste Solutions, can be reached at the following:
Phone: 250-832-9292